Small business owners follow their passions and spend countless hours and resources establishing and then operating their business over those first few years. These activities produce knowledge assets of both tangible and intangible value.
This short course provides an understanding of what constitutes an Intellectual Property Asset and how you can protect it. For example, your website information, your social media posts and methods you use to deliver a product or service can all be captured as intellectual property assets.
So the question for small business owners is what are you doing to protect these assets. We represent countless clients when someone has copied and used their website information to set up their own business. Believe us, the remedy costs you more than making the time and effort in the early days to protect these assets.
We will give you the understanding and tools to start your intellectual property journey in our current COVID world where the theft of intellectual property has increased threefold. In this climate people are looking for the easy way to start-up a business. Don’t let that competitor take your hard work and profit.
So what will you leave with after this short course. You will understand your intellectual property assets and make a plan to protect them. We will leave you with a plan that has easy to implement protections as well as some longer term protections to achieve. Our course will also give you a little bit of knowledge on cybercrime to assist in protecting your IP.
We will make the recording of the session available to you after the event. Our team look forward to helping you with your business.
Register Now for Understand and Protect your Intellectual Property
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