Article: What you need to know about Social Media Law and your VA Business

Understanding social media law

The fakeness of social media also translates over into the business world, unfortunately, many business owners fail to acknowledge that whatever is written on social media is real enough to be pursued by law. Read more here.
Your Teen’s Legal Rights

Your Teen’s Legal Rights

Many laws applicable to your children change before they hit the ripe old age of 18. If you have teenagers, it is important to know what their legal rights are as they move into adulthood. Your teenagers right to… Leave school Australian State and Territories...
Your Child, Technology and Bullying

Your Child, Technology and Bullying

Katherine Hawes recently wrote an article for Our Children Australia about the dark side to all the technology that is available to our children, especially when it comes to bullying and the Australian laws in place to deal with it. You can read more here.
Article: Social Media and Your Child

Article: Social Media and Your Child

Did you know that parents can be held responsible for what their children post onto social media sites? Read the article Katherine Hawes wrote for Our Children Australia here: Social Media and Your Child