4 Facts About Retirement Villages Everyone Thinks Are True

4 Facts About Retirement Villages Everyone Thinks Are True

4 Facts About Retirement Villages Everyone Thinks Are True After a couple of booming scandals [ABC] – seniors and their families are stepping further away from retirement villages. Many left “while they still have a chance” and many completely abandoned this...
Legal Aspects of Moving Out of a Retirement Village

Legal Aspects of Moving Out of a Retirement Village

Legal Aspects of Moving Out of a Retirement Village Retirement villages are the choice of more than 170,000 seniors in Australia. If you are one of these 170,000 people, you are a part of a growing trend. As more and more people move into retirement villages, more and...
Issues to Consider When Moving into a Retirement Village

Issues to Consider When Moving into a Retirement Village

Issues to Consider When Moving into a Retirement Village Retirement villages are a more and more desirable option for people nowadays according to statistics: with over 2,200 retirement villages, there are more than 170,000 seniors living there. The top three reasons...