Intellectual Property – Management Issues

Intellectual property (IP) is one of those concepts whose content is largely familiar (copyright, patents etc) but which is exceedingly difficult to define. Broadly speaking, IP is a generic term for the various rights or bundles of rights which the law accords for...
How To Make Contracts That Are Legally Binding

How To Make Contracts That Are Legally Binding

In the building design industry, you will frequently find yourself needing to make agreements with other professionals, customers, clients and businesses. You need these agreements to be legally binding so you can enforce your rights if the other party decides to take...
How To Make Contracts That Are Legally Binding

Article: The importance of contracts for your VA business.

Running any business always involves risks, but taking the time to ensure you have written contracts in place, will go a long way to mitigate risk and protect your business. Read more of Katherine’s article for Today’s VA Magazine here.
Article: Electronic Contracts

Article: Electronic Contracts

Many business owners are now choosing to use electronic contracts. Many of these systems are simple to use and enable you to sign the contacts electronically on whatever device you are using. Read more here.